Massimo Rospocher
- Director
- 2011-Current Position: Full-time Researcher (Italian-German Historical Institute, Trent)
- 2016-Current Position: Adjunct Professor of Digital Humanities (University of Trento)
- 2016: Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale: professore di II Fascia, Settore disciplinare 11/A2 (MSTO/02 Early Modern History)
- 2011-2015: Research Fellow (University of Leeds)
- 2015: H.P. Kraus Fellowship in Early Book & Manuscripts at Beinecke – Yale University Library (Yale University)
- 2014: International Visiting Researcher with a fellowship awarded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) at the “Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions” (University of Melbourne – University of Sydney)
- 2011: International Visiting scholar at Birkbeck College (University of London) with a fellowship awarded by the British Academy
- 2009: Residential Fellowship at McGill University (Montreal) as part of the SSHRC research project “Making Publics”
- 2008-2011: Recipient of competitive funding from the Autonomous Province of Trento for a three-year Post-Doc research project based at the Italian-German Historical Institute, Trent
- 2007-2009: Adjunct Professor of Historical Methodology (University of Trento)
- 2008: PhD in History and Civilization (European University Institute, Florence)
- 2004: Master of Research in Cultural History (European University Institute, Florence)
Coordinator of Research Projects
2018-2020: Coordinator of the research project “La città dell’accoglienza. Cultura urbana e spazio pubblico a Trento al tempo del Concilio” funded by Fondazione CARITRO
2016-2018: Core member of the project “European Dimensions of Popular Print” (EDPOP) supported by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
2008-2011: Recipient of funding from the Autonomous Province of Trento for a three-year Post-Doc research project: “Communicating war in Early Modern Europe”
Scientific collaborations
Member of the editorial board of the “Annali dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento”
Member of the Scientific Committee of the “Mueso Per Via. Museo Tesino delle Stampe e dell’Ambulantato”
Member of the Advisory Board of the “Museo Storico del Trentino”
- Cultural and Social History
- Communication history
- Urban history
- Digital Humanities
- Renaissance History
- Early Modern European History
Related Projects
- Print Culture and Public Spheres in Central Europe 1500-1800 (PCPSce)
- The Dolomites before the Dolomites: History of a border environment (16th-17th centuries)
- Hidden Trento 900 - The city at the time of fascism
- CICATRICI - PerCorsi di ricerca su alcuni luoghI ChiAve di TRento per ricostruire le diverse Identità della città, tra Continuità e strappI
- HOLYLAB – A global economic organization in the early modern period: The Custody of the Holy Land through its account books (1600-1800)
- The Tesino. Amid history and memory
- Public Renaissance: Urban Cultures of Public Space between Early Modern Europe and the Present (Pure)
- La città dell'accoglienza. Cultura urbana e spazio pubblico a Trento al tempo del Concilio
- The European Dimensions of Popular Print Culture (1500-1900)
- (con R. Salzberg) “Murder Ballads. Singing, Hearing, and Writing about Murder in Renaissance Italy”, in T. Dean – K. Lowe (eds), Murder in Renaissance Italy (Cambridge UP, 2017), pp. 164-188
- L’invenzione delle notizie? Informazione e comunicazione nell’Europa moderna, in “Storica”, 64 (2016), pp. 95-116.
- (con S. Dall’Aglio e B. Richardson) Voices and Texts in Early Modern Italian Society (Routledge, 2016)
- “From Orality to Print: Revolution or Transition? Street Singers in the Renaissance Multi-Media System”, P. Pombeni (ed), The Historiography of Transition: Critical Phases in the Development of Modernity, (Routledge, 2016), pp. 23-39
- (con L. Degl’Innocenti e R. Salzberg), The Cantastorie in Renaissance Italy. Street Singers between Oral and Literate Cultures, special issue of “Italian Studies”, 71 (2016)
- Il papa guerriero. Giulio II nello spazio pubblico europeo (Il Mulino, 2015) – Recensioni: L’indice dei Libri del Mese; Il Domenicale del Sole24ore; Il Corriere della Sera; Jesus. Recensioni in riviste accademiche: Aevum; Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia; Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance; Catholic Historical Review; Cristianesimo nella Storia; Concilium; Cromhos; Cuadernos de Historia Moderna; English Historical Review; Historische Zeitschrift; H-NET; Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken; Renaissance Quarterly; Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine; Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia; Rivista Storica Italiana; Roma nel Rinascimento; Sehepunkte; Sixteenth Century Journal.
- ‘In Vituperium Status Veneti’: The case of Niccolò Zoppino, in “The Italianist”, 34 (2014), pp. 349-361
- (con M. Mondini) Narrating War: Early Modern and Contemporary Perspectives (Dunker & Humblot/Il Mulino, 2013)
- “La voce della piazza. Oralità e spazio pubblico nell’Italia del Rinascimento”, in M. Rospocher (ed), Oltre la Sfera Pubblica. Lo spazio della politica nell’Europa moderna (Il Mulino, 2013), pp. 9-30
- Beyond the Public Sphere: Opinions, Publics, Spaces in Early Modern Europe (Dunker & Humblot/Il Mulino, 2012) – Recensioni: American Historical Review; Cromhos; Francia; European History Quarterly; European Review of History; Historische Zeitschrift; Journal of Early Modern History; Renaissance Quarterly; Renaissance Studies; Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine; Revue Historique; The Sixteenth Century Journal; Storicamente; Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung.
- (con R. Salzberg) Street Singers in Italian Renaissance Urban Culture and Communication, in “Cultural and Social History”, 9/1 (2012), pp. 9-26