Here you can find some opportunities to join us at the Italian-German Historical Institute.
CALL FOR BOOK PROPOSALL’Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico della Fondazione Bruno Kessler, fin dalla sua nascita, ha investito nelle collane editoriali, nelle quali sono apparse ricerche originali, frutto delle attività scientifiche dell’Istituto e del lavoro di ricerca di studiose e studiosi esterni che collaborano con il Centro o sono legate/i ad esso da consonanza di temi storiografici e metodi.
VISITING FELLOWSThe Italian-German Historical Institute (ISIG) of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in Trento is an advanced research centre that promotes research in early modern and contemporary history, with particular emphasis on transnational history. The research team includes permanent researchers, collaborators, and fellows. The institute has one of the most comprehensive specialist libraries for transnational history, with particular emphasis on Italian-German connections. The library also holds special collections, including both early modern printed books as well as the personal archives of Giulio Basetti Sani, Hubert Jedin, Serafino Majerotto, and Antonio Zieger. We invite historians whose research would benefit from collaboration with ISIG to apply for a Visiting Fellowship. These fellowships can last between one and six months.
Past Opportunities
- A Research Position in Digital History for the ERC Project HOLYLAB
- 10 grants to attend the Study Week (Dangerous) Crowds in Pre-Modern and Modern History
- Call for Expressions of Interest for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2024
- PhD Scholarship “Storia ambientale dell'area alpina” - XXXIX CICLO
- PhD Scholarship University of Trento XXXIX ciclo
- 12 month Post-Doc Position
- Research Position at the Italian-German Historical Institute