Researchers at the Institute work on individual research projects dealing with political, religious, social, cultural, legal and economic history in the early modern and contemporary periods. We pay particular attention to contemporary issues (environment, mobility, media) and new ways of communicating history (public and digital history).
The ISIG also promotes and develops historical research projects in collaboration with national and international institutions and with the support of external public and private funding agencies.
MobilitiesOver the past decades, the advent of the mobility turn has given rise to a series of new theories, methodologies, and research questions regarding mobility. Both in the social sciences and in the humanities, mobilities are analyzed as an integral part of all human activity. In ISIG we focus on the history of mobilities concerning people, objects, and ideas, in a transnational and global context. Image: FBK Library D 861569 - s-ar 1 B 30
Media and CommunicationIn past societies, communication was not something abstract, but a set of practices and activities, of people and objects, of sounds, words and images, omnipresent in cultural, political and social life. Media and communicative acts had an impact on the existences of men and women, contributing not only to their perception but also to the construction of reality. Historicizing communication is necessary in order to understand a society of the past and, consequently, our present. Image: Cover M. Cau, C. Cornelißen, I media nei processi elettorali, Il Mulino, 2020
Digital and Public HistoryIn order to increase the presence of history in the public debate and to reduce the gap between research and society, ISIG is committed to using different media and languages to communicate history to a wider public. Particular attention is paid to digital media. ISIG has a number of projects that experiment with the use of new technologies, not only as a research tool, but also as a means of communicating history to a wider audience.
- HistoryCity Apps
- ALCIDE (Analysis of Language and Content In a Digital Environment)
- Mapping Mobilities. Un’analisi storica e digitale dell’emigrazione trentina tra Otto e Novecento
- Hidden Trento 900 - The city at the time of Fascism
- CICATRICI - PerCorsi di ricerca su alcuni luoghI ChiAve di TRento per ricostruire le diverse Identità della città, tra Continuità e strappI
EnvironmentEnvironmental history uses an interdisciplinary approach to study the mutual relations between humanity and nature and investigates the environmental and climate changes caused by society. In ISIG we focus on the Alpine areas in the early modern and contemporary period by studying the environmental impact resulting from the exploitation of forests and rivers, employed both as transit routes and sources of hydraulic energy. Image: Tiroler Landesarchiv, Landschaftliches Archiv, Codex III, picture of the river Adige from Aldeno to Volano, author Hans Schorr, 1615
- Environment and Infrastructure Challenges, Knowledge and Innovation from the Early Modern Period to the Present
- L’altro volto della transizione industriale: il legame nell’epoca dei combustibili fossili
- The Dolomites before the Dolomites: History of a border environment (16th-17th centuries)
- Making the Woods. A social history of forests in Fiemme Valley (1866-1914)
- Atti dei notai ai "Confini italiani": il giudizio di Strigno - Banca dati (1511-1895)
Politics and SocietySince its foundation, ISIG has focused on the study of the political and legal organization of society. In dialogue with new methodological and thematic approaches of contemporary historiography, we analyze various aspects related to the trajectories of Western democracies, the role of institutions and individuals in the steering of society, and the political and cultural processes that influence the course of events and revisit their memories. Image: FBK Library at 3-A-20 (1)
- Alle radici del Trentino contemporaneo: Bruno Kessler e le sfide della modernizzazione
- DANgerous CROwds in Renaissance Italy. Violence, music and street festive experiences in public spaces (DAN-CRO)
- Di padre in figlio: una storia politico-culturale del debito pubblico italiano (1979-1992)
- Giustizia straordinaria e giustizia militare. I processi presso le corti d’assise e nei tribunali militari
- Per una storia dell'eredità materiale del ventennio fascista. Il caso trentino