LXI Study Week | Migration and the European City

FBK Aula Grande
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Polo delle Scienze Umane e sociali
The LXI Study Week Migration and the European City. Social and Cultural Perspectives from Early Modernity to the Present organized by the Italian-German Historical Institute will be dedicated to interactions between human mobility and urban societies between c. 1400 and the present. We have been fortunate to secure keynote addresses from Claus Leggewie (Giessen), Leo Lucassen (Leiden) and Susanne Rau (Erfurt).
Over the three days, particular attention will be paid to the following themes:
– migration flows
– mobility and urban change
– transit cities
– socio-economic implications
– questions of local / (trans-)national identities
– mechanics and infrastructures of reception, identification, hospitality, allocation & transport
– representations and longer-term processes of integration / exclusion
– methodological and digital approaches to migration and mobility.
Scientific Committee:
Christoph Cornelissen (Frankfurt-Trent)
Beat Kümin (Warwick)
Massimo Rospocher (Trent)