Call for Visiting Fellows

The Italian-German Historical Institute (ISIG) of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in Trento is an advanced research centre that promotes research in early modern and contemporary history, with particular emphasis on transnational history. The research team includes permanent researchers, collaborators, and fellows. The institute has one of the most comprehensive specialist libraries for transnational history, with particular emphasis on Italian-German connections. The library also holds special collections, including both early modern printed books as well as the personal archives of Giulio Basetti Sani, Hubert Jedin, Serafino Majerotto, and Antonio Zieger.
We invite historians whose research would benefit from collaboration with ISIG to apply for a Visiting Fellowship. These fellowships can last between one and six months.
The fellowship
Visiting Fellows will be based at ISIG in Trento. Please note that ISIG will not cover any travel or accommodation expenses. Visiting Fellows will be provided with office space, including use of a computer. They will have the opportunity to be involved in all of ISIG’s seminars, conferences, and other events, and they are also invited to propose and organize events of their own. They will be provided with access to the specialist library of FBK, and access to all other libraries that are part of the Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino (Trentino library system). In addition, the successful candidates can count on the assistance of the FBK Welcome Office with logistic matters, such as accommodation booking, visa support, registration with the local authorities, health insurance activation, and public transportation.
Visiting Fellows are expected to be active members of the scholarly community of the institute.
How to apply
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Candidates will be notified of the outcome of their application within one month. To apply, please send the following material to the institute’s director, Massimo Rospocher ():
– CV
– Outline of the research project to be carried out during the fellowship (max. 2 pages), with an indication of the preferred dates of the fellowship
If selected, candidates will be asked to provide the following documentation:
– Proof of employment / proof of external research funding for the duration of the fellowship
– Authorization of the researcher’s home institution to be in residence at FBK
– Insurance coverage
– If applicable, a visa for the duration of the fellowship
Ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Regolamento UE n. 2016/679 (GDPR), i dati personali forniti verranno trattati per la gestione del presente bando e della graduatoria, per la successiva eventuale erogazione del contributo/riconoscimento/premio e per le altre finalità compatibili con le modalità di valutazione, tramite strumenti manuali, informatici e telematici comunque idonei a garantire la sicurezza e la riservatezza dei dati stessi.
Il conferimento dei dati è obbligatorio ai fini della valutazione dei requisiti di partecipazione, pena l’esclusione dal presente bando. Il punto di contatto presso il Titolare è il Centro ISIG i cui dati di contatto sono: (e-mail: ). Leggi l’informativa completa in merito al trattamento dei dati personali