Publications OLD

The Center’s publications are produced with the contribution of the Autonomous Province of Trento.


  • Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento

    Since 1975, the journal “Annali dell’Istituto storico italo germanico in Trento / Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient” has been promoting contacts among scholars and students of different generations and nationalities working on historical issues from the late Middle Ages to contemporary history in a European and extra-European context. Particular attention is placed on the relationships between the Italian and German-speaking areas. Since 2011, the journal is published bi-annually as a joint publication of il Mulino in Bologna and Duncker & Humblot in Berlin. As of 2018, the "Annali / Jahrbuch" are a monographic journal, edited by one or more historians, each issue offering five to seven articles. The "Annali" were awarded “Class A” by ANVUR, the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System. Please submit submission proposals to: Author guidelines are available online.

  • ARO - Annali Reviews Online

    "Annali.Reviews.Online" (ARO) is an electronic journal devoted entirely to book that reviews mainly new publications focusing on European history, with special attention on the German- and Italian-speaking areas. Furthermore, ARO has an epoch-spanning, interdisciplinary, and international orientation.



  • Quaderni

    Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico distributes the proceedings of its «Settimane di Studio» and major conferences in this series. The volumes are published by the Società editrice il Mulino and are available both as traditional paper books and e-books, in certain cases also in open access. As of 2018, the series Quaderni also hosts the findings and elaborations by individual researchers of the Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico as well as external historians who collaborate with the institute or are bound to it by related research topics and/or methods.

  • Studies in Early Modern and Contemporary History (SEMC)

    Studies in Early Modern and Contemporary History is published under the auspices of the Italian-German Historical Institute of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento. On the one hand, it consists of the institute’s conference proceedings, which are written in German or English. On the other hand, the new series will include collections of essays and monographs from external authors working in those fields of historical research, which are central to the institute. The primary focus is on European history with a special accent on the history of German-Italian relations. One of the series’ virtues is the cross-epochal perspective of many of its publications, which has become one of the trademarks of the institute in Trento.

  • Transfer

    Transfer is a new series of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler’s Italian-German Historical Institute. The series is devoted to publishing German translations of the latest Italian historical studies. The chosen titles were previously released by renowned Italian publishers and have received positive critical acclaim in Italy. The Trento institute aims to stimulate the general interest of German-speaking readers in various epochs of Italian and European history with the translation of these studies into German. Transfer has a cross-epochal and cross-cultural approach.

  • Fonti

    The volumes in this series are an instrument for the dissemination of not always easily accessible historical sources and archival material.

  • FBK Press

    FBK Press publications have the aim of making the research results of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler available to a wide audience. Special attention is paid to the regional dimension and the younger generations.

  • Special Editions


Closed Series

  • Monografie

    The series hosts the findings and elaborations by individual researchers of the Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico as well as external historians who collaborate with the institute or are bound to it by related research topics and/or methods. The volumes are published by the Società editrice il Mulino and are available both as traditional paper books and e-books, in certain cases also in open access. In 2018, the series Monografie converged into the series Quaderni.

  • Contributi/Beiträge

    This series, jointly edited by the Società Editrice il Mulino and Duncker & Humblot, hosts the results of historical research from the early modern period to the most recent past in an international context. The volumes are multilingual, mostly in English.

  • Schriften

    Schriften des Italienisch-Deutschen Historischen Instituts: the ISIG-series in German. The volumes are published by Duncker & Humblot in Berlin and all titles are available in both print and e-book format.
