ARO | “Annali.Recensioni.Online“
Today (7.6.2018) we published the first issue of the new review journal „Annali.Recensioni.Online“ (ARO), a new electronic journal devoted entirely to book reviews in keeping with a trend that is becoming widespread in international scientific publishing. Reviews of the newest scientific literature that until now were published in the “Annali dell’Istituto Italo-Germanico / Jahrbuch des Italienisch-Deutschen Historischen Instituts” will henceforth be published exclusively in ARO.
ARO will appear three times a year and review mainly new publications focusing on European history, with special attention on the German- and Italian-speaking areas. Furthermore—not unlike its German-language cousin “sehepunkte”—ARO will have an epoch-spanning, interdisciplinary, and international orientation.
Even though in recent years new journals of reviews have managed to assert themselves in many scientific cultures and also in many historical subdisciplines, we have come across certain deficits also in the era of open access. For example, the transnational dialogue, or rather the transalpine dialogue, continues to exhibit conspicuous gaps in this type of publication. Against this background, we devised ARO as a new review journal that sees itself devoted mainly to the promotion of the scientific dialogue between the German- and the Italian-speaking cultures while also offering a solid basis to the transnational discourse of historians and non-professional historically interested readers. In the coming years, ARO will supply a new and reliable platform to this end.
Christoph Cornelißen