Call for Expressions of Interest for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2023

09 March 2023

The Italian-German Historical Institute (ISIG) of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in Trento is an advanced research centre that promotes research in early modern and contemporary history, with particular emphasis on transnational history.

ISIG invites expressions of interest from postdoctoral researchers with an excellent track record of research and publications to apply for Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Individual Fellowships, awarded by the European Commission, to be hosted at ISIG. Priority will be given to applicants whose profiles fit closely with existing research interests and projects at ISIG. Selected candidates will be offered both academic advice and administrative support from ISIG and the FBK Research Office with regards to the proposal development.

For eligibility criteria please consult the MSCA IF Guide for Applicants.

We welcome expressions of interest in line with the research strengths of ISIG, in particular regarding the following areas:

Early Modern History:

  • environmental history, with a specific focus on mountain/plain interaction, and use and management of resources in Europe (contact Katia Occhi: )
  • economic and social history (contact Katia Occhi: )
  • communication, media and book history (contact Massimo Rospocher: )
  • history of urban space (contact Massimo Rospocher: and Sandra Toffolo: )
  • history of mobility (contact Sandra Toffolo: )


Contemporary History:

  • visual history (19th-20th century) (contact Maurizio Cau: )
  • history of political and legal thought (19th-20th century) (contact Maurizio Cau: )
  • history of crime and female violence (20th-21th century) (contact Cecilia Nubola: )


Early Modern and Contemporary History (History of the Society of Jesus between the 16th and 19th centuries),

  • the realities of daily life (e.g., food culture; life in professed houses, novitiates and colleges – contact Claudio Ferlan: )
  • the self-representation of the Society in the written sources, manuscript and printed (e.g., journals, books, correspondence – contact Claudio Ferlan: )


How to apply

Please contact the person you would like to propose as your host supervisor (see email addresses above). If you are unsure whom to contact, please contact the director of the Italian-German Historical Institute, Massimo Rospocher ().

Potential candidates are asked to submit:

1) A short CV

2) A two-page research proposal

3) A short statement with indication of why ISIG would be the ideal host institution to conduct your research

Deadline: Please submit your expression of interest by 31 May 2023.

We will inform you about the outcome of your expression of interest by 30 June 2023 at the latest. If selected, our scientific team and research funding services will provide support for the preparation of the application.