22 January 2019As part of the research project “Mediatisation and Mediality of History” – the Institute’s focus since 2017, the Summer School will investigate through lectures and seminars the role of media in the context of the socio-political and cultural transformations that have typified the early modern and contemporary era. The aim is to reconstruct the development of the media through the categories of mediality, intermediality and transnationality from a historical perspective.More info
10 January 2019MIGRATION AND THE EUROPEAN CITY. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES FROM EARLY MODERNITY TO THE PRESENT | Italian-German Historical Institute - Trent / Italy, 18 –20 September 2019 | The LXI Study Week organized by the Italian-German Historical Institute will be dedicated to interactions between migration, mobility and urban societies between c. 1400 and the present. The committee hopes to attract an interdisciplinary group of researchers from different academic backgrounds and nationalities at various career stages.More info
20 June 2018The LX Study Week organized by the Italian-German Historical Institute will be dedicated to the theme of Mediatisation and Mediality of History in the Early Modern and Contemporary Era. The general frame of reference is the history of media, which will be analysed from the specific point of view of mediatisation studies.More info
11 June 2018Today (7.6.2018) we published the first issue of the new review journal „Annali.Recensioni.Online“ (ARO), a new electronic journal devoted entirely to book reviews in keeping with a trend that is becoming widespread in international scientific publishing.More info
11 June 2018Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna - Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà invita alla Cerimonia inaugurale del Centro Centro Studi Paolo Prodi per la Storia CostituzionaleMore info
05 June 2018The Italian-German Historical Institute of the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK-ISIG) and the German Historical Institute in Rome (DHI) are calling for applications for selection of a position as collaborator in a post-doc project of a duration of 12 months.More info
19 April 2018È uscito "Carteggi tra basso medioevo ed età moderna. Pratiche di redazione, trasmissione e conservazione", a cura di Andrea Giorgi e Katia Occhi, (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018)More info
23 March 2018Nel 2018 ricorre il centesimo anniversario della conclusione della prima guerra mondiale. Cento anni fa terminò non solo uno dei conflitti più sanguinosi della storia, il primo che coinvolse direttamente o indirettamente gran parte del globo, ma anche un’epoca. Il 1918 segnò il crollo definitivo di un sistema di relazioni politiche nazionali e internazionali, travolto dalle vicende belliche e soprattutto dall’ingresso delle masse nella vita sociale e politica.More info
27 February 2018La schedatura è stata realizzata nel corso del progetto di ricerca "“Grenzakten”: carte e documenti sui confini dell’impero"More info