Position in a post-doc project | FBK-ISIG e DHI
The Italian-German Historical Institute of the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK-ISIG) and the German Historical Institute in Rome (DHI) are calling for applications for selection of a position as collaborator in a post-doc project of a duration of 12 months.
The collaboration is part of a three year ISIG research project on the theme of “Mediatisation and Mediality of History”. It foresees the realization of a research project on a specific theme relevant to the general project, and a contribution towards establishing further sources of funding for the research through the presentation within the year of at least one submission to a competitive national or international call for funding applications.
Duration: 12 months
Beginning of the project: 1 September 2018
Deadline for applications: 15 July 2018
Call e info: FBK/OpenPosition