30 Giugno 2021

The Italian-German Historical Institute (ISIG) of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento has an established tradition of studies in European history and acts as a host institution for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA) which are awarded by the European Commission. ISIG invites expressions of interest from postdoctoral researchers with an excellent track record of research and publications to jointly apply for MSCA Individual fellowships to be hosted at the Institute.

ISIG decides whether to support the individual application on the basis of an internal evaluation process and the availability of suitable academic supervision. Priority is given to applicants whose profiles fit closely with existing research interests and projects at ISIG. Selected candidates will be offered both academic and administrative support from ISIG and the FBK Research Office with regards to the proposal development.


We welcome expressions of interest and research proposals in the following areas:

early modern urban history (please contact Massimo Rospocher, )
early modern mobility (please contact Sandra Toffolo and Massimo Rospocher, )
early modern communication, media and book history (please contact Sandra Toffolo and Massimo Rospocher, )
history of the Society of Jesus, with a specific focus on the reality of everyday life in early modern as well as in modern age (e.g. food culture; professed house, novitiate and college life) and on the self-representation of the Society (please contact Claudio Ferlan, ).
visual history, with a specific focus on the Modern age (please contact Maurizio Cau, )
contemporary constitutional history (please contact Maurizio Cau, )


Candidates are invited to express their interest no later than August 16, 2021 by sending an e-mail to , indicating their data (family name, name, e-mail address) and the title of the research project.

For eligibility criteria please consult the MSCA IF Guide for Applicants.

By August 31, 2021, the strongest proposals will be selected for continuation to the MSCA IF application (October 12, 2021).


Please attach the following documents:

1) A short CV.
2) A two-page research proposal.
3) A short statement with indication of why ISIG would be the ideal host institution for conducting your research and which are the specific training opportunities you would in particular benefit from during a stay.