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READ-COOP SCE, una cooperativa europea, offre strumenti avanzati per l’accesso e l’analisi dei documenti storici, con Transkribus come piattaforma principale.More info
The Grand Tour of Italy attracted thousands of British travelers throughout the eighteenth century. This paper will share work from the ongoing Grand Tour Project which has been developing digital tools and an interactive database to widen the scope of study to thousands of diverse Grand Tour travelers.More info
Il libro del mese. Presentazione del libro di Carlo Greppi, storie che non fanno la Storia (Laterza, 2024). Dialoga con l'autore Sara ZanattaMore info
Il libro del mese. Presentazione del libro curato da Silvana Seidel Menchi, Ortensio Lando. Disquisizioni su passi scelti dalla Santa Scrittura (Einaudi 2024). Dialogano con l'autrice Lucio Biasiori e Matteo FadiniMore info
Latest news
29 January 2025ISIG intende accogliere nella propria collana “Quaderni”, che sarà edita dalla casa editrice Viella a partire dal 2026, e nella propria collana “Fonti”, edita da FBK Press in Gold Open Access, una ricerca originale in lingua italiana, frutto del lavoro di una/un giovane studiosa/o e promuoverne la pubblicazione.More info
24 January 2025The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies and its collaborating partners at the University of Lisbon and the Italian-German Historical Institute at the Bruno Kessler Foundation, invite you to join informal conversations with the world's preeminent scholars working on the history, spirituality, and educational heritage of the Society of Jesus.More info
29 October 2024Il 21 novembre 2024, h. 09:00-18.00 presso Palazzo Paolo Prodi - Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento si terrà la conferenza nell’ambito del bando PRIN 2022, progetto “Bridging geography and history of woodlands: analysing mountain wooded landscapes through multiple sources and historical GIS”More info
18 October 2024On 15 November 2024 the international workshop 'Mobility and poverty in Europe between the early modern period and the 19th century: Networks, infrastructures, control' will take place at the Cusanus-Akademie of Brixen-Bressanone, organized by Francesco Brunet (Centre for Regional History, Brixen-Bressanone) and Rosa Salzberg (University of Trento), in cooperation with the Italian-German Historical Institute of Trento.More info